Is My Social Media Being Monitored?

  1. Social Security
  2. Is My Social Media Being Monitored?

You are getting ready to contact Parmele Law Firm (PLF) to file a Social Security Disability (SSD) claim. As you peruse your social media accounts, you smile remembering the day of swimming at the lake. You laugh at the post of you tripping on the porch steps. You cringe at a picture of you jumping on a trampoline. As you reflect on these recent, fun memories, you wonder, “Will the SSA look through my social media accounts?”

This is a great question and one we are often asked. To make a long answer short, yes, they can, and they may. Social media is a small piece of the larger SSA puzzle, but nonetheless, it is an important piece. The SSA may review your social media accounts to see that your application matches what your social media shows. While it is unlikely the SSA is investing substantial amounts of time combing through your social media accounts, they may get online to view them if they have questions about your claim or to see any discrepancies between your claim and your posts.


  1. Posts can be taken out of context. While a picture of you swimming implies that your legs and arms are working to keep your head above water, it may not show that you are wearing a floatation device to keep you from drowning. Context is everything; unfortunately, context is not always accurately reflected or communicated in pictures.
  2. Time stamps and location tags. Sure, it is fun to be tagged and show others what you did last week…but posts with times and location tags may undermine your activity level and mobility, thus contradicting what your application states.
  3. Contradictory posts. Posts taken out of context may work to your disadvantage and affect the legitimacy of a statement you have made in your application. This, in turn, can lead to greater investigation into your claim and more attention to your situation.


If taking a social media break or removing your is not an option, be mindful of your content and keep the following recommendations in mind:

  1. Check your privacy settings. To ensure only those you want to see your posts are the only people who see your posts, set your privacy settings to the highest security level.
  2. Ask friends not to tag you in posts or pictures. Even if you do not post the fun lake picture if your friend does and tags you, that may affect your disability claim.
  3. Limit the time you spend on social media. While completely eliminating social media is not a bad idea, it is more than likely not going to happen. However, limiting the amount of time you spend on it and making your life’s activities known to strangers is a good step in the right direction.
  4. Lastly, think before you post. As you review your post, view it from the mindset of a person who will also be reading your disability claim. Check for contradictions or content that may raise questions or point to inconsistencies.


Social media is here to stay and is valuable for many things: connecting with others, sharing information, and keeping distant family and friends involved in your life. However, while filing for SSD, it is best to minimize, if not eliminate, posting details about your activities.

Parmele Law Firm’s experienced legal team is here to answer questions about the effects of social media on your claim or anything else related to an existing claim or beginning a claim. Your initial consultation is free, so what are you waiting for? Call PLF today at 866-889-2570 to schedule your free consultation and let the experienced PLF team guide you through the SSD process with integrity, competency, and experience.

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