What Makes the Best Disability Lawyer?

  1. Social Security
  2. What Makes the Best Disability Lawyer?

There are a few different reasons why you may be seeking the help of a disability lawyer. Maybe you have a confirmed social security disability. Perhaps you have just retired or are planning to soon. It also could be that you are the spouse or child of a deceased person entitled to social security. Whatever your situation may be, you will need the assistance of a disability attorney to efficiently navigate social security disability law. To find the best disability lawyer near you, here’s what you should look for.

The Best Disability Lawyer Will …

Come Highly Recommended

It goes without saying that the best disability lawyer will come highly recommended. Good, quality work doesn’t need recommending, but great social security disability attorneys will always come with excellent testimonials. The best disability law firms will be willing to share these. Before deciding on a law firm, always ask to review their client testimonials. Here at Parmele Law Firm, we openly share our clients’ comments on our website.

Have Years of Experience

The most seasoned social security disability attorneys have years or even decades of experience. This expertise and vast knowledge of disability law distinguishes an average attorney from the best disability lawyer and empowers them to seamlessly guide you through the social security disability application and appeals process.

Provide a Great First Impression

It’s important to pay attention to the first impression a disability law firm provides. Take note of the level of professionalism and courtesy you are given when you call or visit the office and regard that with the highest of importance. Office staff and disability attorneys should be polite, caring and welcoming upon your first meeting with them. If they are not, move on quickly. You will spend a lot of time working and communicating with whatever law firm you choose, so you want to select the disability lawyers that will provide you with the level of personalized service you deserve.

Tout High Approval Rates

When searching for the best disability lawyer near you, it’s vital that you ask about approval ratings. How many of the law firm’s clients have been approved for social security disability? Did any receive partial benefits? How many were denied without a successful appeal? By asking for a disability law firm’s approval rates, you can get a better idea of what your own case’s outcome may be. But if a disability lawyer guarantees you will win your case, you should be cautious. The best disability lawyer never guarantees anything, as the outcome of any social security disability case is unpredictable.

Provide Organized And Efficient Case Management

It should be a given that the most highly regarded disability lawyers always provide organized and efficient case management for their clients. A reputable disability law firm should have adequate staffing to provide ongoing, frequent communication and respond to questions promptly. In addition, disability attorneys should always be prepared for hearings.

You Can Trust Parmele Law Firm with Your Disability Case

Parmele Law Firm offers the best disability lawyers in the Midwest and you can trust us to handle your disability case with care, precision, and accuracy. Put our experience to work for you and contact us to schedule your free consultation with a social security disability lawyer today.

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