The Importance of Ongoing Medical Treatment

  1. Social Security
  2. The Importance of Ongoing Medical Treatment

Guest Blogger: CW Hadley
CW Hadley has worked with Parmele Law Firm for over 5 years as the Director of Hearing Operations. With over 20 years of proven operational experience, he is considered an authority within the Social Security Disability field.  – See his LinkedIn Profile

Medical treatment is not only essential for managing health conditions, but it also plays a pivotal role in the success of a disability claim. SSA relies heavily on medical evidence to evaluate disability claims. Consistent medical records detailing diagnoses, treatments, and their effects provide concrete evidence of a claimant’s impairments. Without recent medical records, it becomes challenging to prove the severity and ongoing nature of a disability.

Medical Records

Most applicants are under the impression that winning their disability case depends on what happened in the past. They look to the event that may have caused their disability and think that those medical records are the most important part of their story. But the Social Security Administration is more concerned about what limitations keep you from working now. They will look at current medical records, usually beginning about one year prior to the date you filed for disability and ending within the last 60 days, to determine if you will be approved for disability. Here’s why maintaining medical treatment records is important to your SSD claim:


Current Medical Treatment Records Demonstrate Compliance

Continuing medical treatment shows SSA that the claimant is compliant with prescribed treatments and actively looking to improve their health. This adherence strengthens the credibility of the claimant’s case because it shows a genuine effort to manage their condition and return to work if possible.

Current Medical Treatment Records Establish Severity

Regular medical visits help establish the severity of the claimant’s condition over time. This information is invaluable in proving the persistence and impact of the disability on daily functioning, further substantiating the need for disability benefits.

Current Medical Treatment Records Identify Barriers to Employment

Medical treatment records document impairments and highlight specific limitations and restrictions that hinder the ability to work. This information helps the SSA understand how the disability affects the claimant’s capacity to perform gainful employment, reinforcing the validity of the disability claim.

Current Medical Records Mitigate the Perception of Malingering

SSA may interpret a lack of current medical treatment as a sign that the claimant’s impairments are not as severe as claimed or that they would be capable of working with appropriate treatment. By prioritizing medical care, claimants prove their commitment to managing their conditions and seeking necessary assistance.

Continuing medical treatment while pursuing Social Security disability benefits is not just advisable – it is imperative. The evidence gleaned from medical records forms the foundation of a strong disability claim, providing tangible proof of the claimant’s impairments, limitations, and efforts to improve their health.

It is essential for claimants to understand that neglecting medical treatment can significantly jeopardize their chances of securing disability benefits. While navigating the complexities of the disability process can be overwhelming, maintaining regular contact with healthcare providers should remain a top priority.

Seeking legal guidance from experienced disability attorneys can also help claimants understand their rights and obligations and how to present their case to the SSA effectively. If you or someone you know needs assistance with an existing disability claim or if you have questions about beginning a claim, the first thing to do is contact the legal team at Parmele Law Firm. We have helped 55,000+ people gain their SSD benefits during the past 23 years. The knowledge and experience of the PLF legal team includes over 135 combined years of SSD experience. When you are fighting for your livelihood, who would not want that on their side?

In conclusion, having and maintaining medical documentation is the key to obtaining Social Security disability benefits. Prioritizing continued medical treatment can help claimants bolster their claims, increase their chances of approval, and ultimately secure the financial support they need to navigate life with dignity despite their disabilities.



Social Security Administration, “Disability Evaluation Under Social Security: The Importance of Medical Evidence” –

NOLO, “How Medical Records Impact Social Security Disability Claims”

Disability Benefits Help, “Why Medical Evidence Is Important in a Social Security Disability Case”

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