Compensation and Pension Examinations

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  2. Compensation and Pension Examinations

All the details: who, what, where and why

When navigating the world of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, one key component that many veterans encounter is the Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam. This exam is crucial in determining eligibility for various VA benefits, including disability compensation and pensions. These exams, often called “Comp pen exams”, are ordered by the VA to get more information about an illness or condition from which you suffer.


What is a Compensation and Pension Exam?

A Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam is a medical evaluation conducted by a healthcare professional contracted by the VA. These exams were previously conducted at the VA, but over the last few years, the VA has contracted these exams out to three major contractors: QTC, Veteran Exam Services, and LHI, which goes under the business name of Optum. One of these three companies will contact you to schedule a time for you to meet with one of their contract providers. The primary purpose of the C&P exam is to assess the severity of a veteran’s service-connected disability or to evaluate conditions that may be linked to military service. This exam helps the VA determine the appropriate level of benefits a veteran is entitled to. The C&P exam is not a traditional medical exam for treatment but rather an assessment to provide the VA with the information needed to make decisions about disability compensation and pension claims.

Why is the C&P Exam Important?

  1. Disability Compensation: For veterans seeking disability compensation, the C&P exam helps establish the connection between their medical condition and military service. It assesses the severity of their condition, which is crucial for determining the level of compensation.
  2. Pension Benefits: For veterans applying for VA pension benefits, the exam helps verify their eligibility based on income and medical condition, ensuring they meet the criteria for financial assistance.
  3. Service Connection: The exam helps establish a service connection for conditions that may have developed or worsened due to military service, which is essential for obtaining benefits.

What to Expect During a C&P Exam

  1. Scheduling and Notification: You will receive a notification from the VA or its contracted provider informing you of your C&P exam appointment. It is imperative that you attend this appointment as it is a critical part of the claims process.
  2. Exam Types: Depending on your condition, you may undergo various exams, including physical examinations, psychological evaluations, or specialized assessments. If necessary, the healthcare professional will review your medical history and conduct a physical exam.
  3. Evaluation Process: During the exam, the healthcare provider will ask about your medical history, current symptoms, and how the condition affects your daily life. They may also review your service records and previous medical records.
  4. Duration: The exam length can vary depending on the complexity of your condition. It could range from a brief 30-minute visit to a more comprehensive evaluation lasting several hours.

Who Will I See During My Appointment?

Four different types of medical providers perform these exams: a standard Medical Doctor (MD), a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), a nurse practitioner (NP), or a physician’s assistant (PA). For Behavioral Health conditions such as PTSD or major depressive disorder, you will most likely be meeting with a psychologist.

Preparing for the C&P Exam

  1. Gather Documentation: Bring relevant medical records, including treatments, medications, and previous diagnoses. If you have service-related documents that support your claim, make sure to have those as well.
  2. Be Honest and Detailed: Provide accurate and detailed information about your symptoms and how they impact your daily life. Being honest is crucial for an accurate assessment.
  3. Understand the Process: Familiarize yourself with the types of questions you might be asked and the overall process of the C&P exam. This can help reduce any anxiety you may have about the evaluation.
  4. Follow-Up: After the exam, stay in touch with the VA or your attorney to check on the status of your claim and provide any additional information if requested.

What Happens After the Exam?

Once the C&P exam is complete, the healthcare provider will submit their findings to the VA. The VA will review the report and use it and other evidence to decide your claim. This process can take several weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of your case and the VA’s workload.

The entire C&P exam process can be tedious, confusing, and take time and paperwork. If you have questions about your exam or other issues related to your VA claim, we encourage you to contact the specially trained VA team at Parmele Law Firm. We will schedule a time for you to visit with one of our VA attorneys to answer your questions and determine your next best steps. Contact us today at 417-616-2691.

Parmele Law Firm – Veteran Affairs. Standing with you. Fighting for you.

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